Equipment, Ratgebertexte, Training

Kettlebell basic exercises for beginners and advanced users

Kettlebell Übungen
One of our most versatile products is the kettlebell. For a long time, kettlebells were somewhat forgotten in sports history. For some time now, they have been experiencing a real upswing, especially in the functional fitness sector. No wonder, because the kettlebells address not only individual muscles, but entire muscle groups and thus the entire musculoskeletal system. The goal of kettlebell sports is above all to build functional strength, explosive power and stability.
To achieve these goals, we show you various exercises with the kettlebell that you can integrate into your training.


What does the exercise look like?

Stand about hip-width apart. The kettlebell is between your feet. With your back straight and your knees slightly bent, grasp the kettlebell with both hands and stand up fully. With the same movement, go back down until the kettlebell lightly touches the floor.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

Deadlifts are suitable for both beginners and advanced exercisers. The exercise can be made easier or more difficult by using different weights. There is also the possibility to adapt the exercise.

What do you have to pay attention to?

The back should remain straight throughout the exercise. It is not about doing the exercise as fast as possible, but as controlled as possible.


Increase weight

Single Leg Deadlifts (one leg deadlifts)

Choose a standing leg and grasp the kettlebell with the opposite hand. Now start to bend your hips forward and bring the kettlebell towards the floor. As you bend forward with the kettlebell, your other leg bends backwards. It is important that the hips remain stable and do not rotate. Also keep your back straight during the whole exercise. You can slightly bend the knee of the standing leg.

Russian Twist

What does the exercise look like?

You sit on the floor. The kettlebell is on one side next to you. Grasp the kettlebell with both hands and look at it. Now lift the kettlebell and turn with it to the other side. Always keep your eyes on the kettlebell. Your feet and legs always stay in the same place. The rotation is only in the upper body.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

Russian Twists are suitable for beginners as well as for advanced practitioners. The exercise can be made easier or more difficult by adding different weights. There is also the possibility to adjust the exercise.

What do you have to pay attention to?

The rotation takes place exclusively in the upper body. The movement should be performed slowly and in a controlled manner. The kettlebell only touches the floor briefly and quietly.


The feet are no longer on the floor but in the air during the whole movement. Make sure that the legs do not rotate with the kettlebell.


What does the exercise look like?

Stand hip-width apart and place the kettlebell between your feet. With your back straight, grasp the kettlebell by the handle with both hands. Stand up with the kettlebell in your hand and swing it backwards between your legs – note that your back is still straight – your legs are slightly bent. From behind, take the momentum and bring the kettlebell forward to eye level with an explosive extension of the hips. The arms are as straight as possible throughout the entire exercise.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

Kettlebell swings are suitable for both beginners and advanced exercisers. The exercise can be made easier or more difficult by varying the weight. There is also the possibility of adapting the exercises.

What do you have to watch out for?

Swing from the hips – explosive stretching. The back should remain as straight as possible. Once you have a good grip on the exercise, you can add momentum from the top down so that you can start again with greater speed.


Single Arm Swing
Instead of using both hands, use only one hand and do the same exercise with one hand. Make sure you keep a straight posture, no rotation in the hips.

American Kettlebell Swings
You can also adjust the height of the swing. Instead of eye level (Russian kettlebell swings), you can do so-called American kettlebell swings – overhead swings. You swing the kettlebell overhead.


What does the exercise look like?

The basic form of the squat is simple. Place both feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Then start to bend your knees and actively push them outwards. Keep your upper body stable and upright. Your feet should always remain completely on the floor. The exercise is over when your legs have reached an angle of less than 90 degrees.

When the basic form is clear, you can use the kettlebell as an additional weight. We distinguish between the following possibilities.

Front Squat – Basically you are free to choose how you want to hold the kettlebell. The easiest way is to hold the kettlebell in the “front rack position”. You can decide for yourself whether you train with one or two kettlebells. The kettlebell is in the elbow position.

Goblet Squat – The Goblet Squat can only be done with one kettlebell. Grasp the kettlebell either by the handle or the body of the kettlebell and position it under the chin with the arms bent.

Overhead Squat – Probably the most difficult form of squat is the overhead squat. The kettlebell is above you during the squat with the arm extended. With the Overhead Squat you can decide whether you want to work with one or two kettlebells. It is important that the arms are stable – they should be stretched during the whole exercise – don’t forget the upright position.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

The squats can also be done without weights. Therefore the exercise is doable for all levels. Overhead Squats are for advanced athletes.

What do you have to pay attention to?

The upright position is central. The weight should be distributed over the whole foot – so the whole foot should always be in contact with the floor. In the lowest position the knees should be actively pushed outwards.


What does the exercise look like?

Lunges can be quite strenuous even without weight. Start in an upright position. Choose one leg and move it forward in a slightly larger step. The back foot remains at the starting point. Now touch the floor with the knee of the back leg and release the back part of the foot. Stand with both legs at an angle of about 90 degrees. Depending on whether you want to do the lunges in place, step back with the front leg or pull the back leg.

Similar to squats, you can use the kettlebell as an additional weight in different ways.

Front rack – The easiest way is to put the kettlebell in the “front rack position”. You can decide for yourself whether you train with one or two kettlebells. The kettlebell is at the elbow – see Front Squat.

Overhead – The kettlebell is extended into the air during the lunge. You can decide whether to work with one or two kettlebells. It is important that the arms are stable – they should be stretched throughout the exercise – don’t forget to keep them upright.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

Lunges can also be done without weights. Therefore the exercise is doable for all levels. Overhead lunges are for advanced athletes.

What do you have to watch out for?

Keep an upright position during the lunges. Make sure you have a stable stance. You can position the front leg slightly to the side to get a wider and therefore more secure stance.


When you feel stable and safe, you can start to increase the weight.

Reverse Lunges
The leg does not move forward into the lunge but backwards. This requires even more concentration and balance

Clean & Jerk

What does the exercise look like?

Clean & Jerk combines two exercises.

Clean: The kettlebell should be brought directly onto the shoulder. You start in a safe stance. The kettlebell is between your feet. Choose left or right side and grasp the handle of the kettlebell with the corresponding hand. With a small swing and an explosive hip extension, bring the kettlebell onto your shoulder in the front rack position.

Jerk: From the front rack position the kettlebell is ejected with a small dip and held upwards with an extended arm. The kettlebell is then brought back down the same way.

You can do the exercise with one or two kettlebells.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

With little or no weight, this exercise is also suitable for beginners. It takes some time and patience to learn the sequence and technique. Advanced athletes can also start with a moderate weight.

What do you have to watch out for?

Tension in the body. During the clean you need an explosive stretch (see swings). In addition, the KB should land gently on the shoulder. For the jerk, you also need an explosive stretch upwards. Watch your wrists! The kettlebell should not hurt your wrist.


Instead of one kettlebell, you can do the exercise with two kettlebells.

Turkish Get Up

What does the exercise look like?

For this exercise you need some patience. The sequence is not very simple.

You start lying down. The kettlebell lies on one side next to you. Bend your leg on the kettlebell side and place it on the floor. You take the kettlebell in your hand and extend it upwards. The other arm is stretched out on the floor. With this arm you start to support yourself and straighten up. It is important that you always look at the kettlebell, i.e. upwards. You start to lift your bent leg so that your hip also comes up.

Now comes one of the difficult parts. You take the extended leg and pull it under you and place it on your knee (lunge). Now straighten up and stand in an overhead lunge position. As a last step, stand up fully. Then do the whole movement backwards.

For whom is this exercise suitable?

With little or no weight, this exercise is also suitable for beginners. It takes time to learn the sequence and technique.

What do you have to watch out for?

Tension in the body. Always look at the kettlebell. Arm should always be stretched.


What does the exercise look like?

Snatch – the king of all disciplines must of course not be missing. For the Snatch, stand about hip-width apart with the kettlebell between your feet. Decide which hand you want to use for the snatch. Grasp the kettlebell with your back straight. Your legs are bent. >Now extend your legs and use this explosive extension to bring the kettlebell directly overhead. The kettlebell should not be brought up by arm strength but by the momentum of the legs and the explosive extension of the hips. Either place the kettlebell back on the floor and grasp it with the other hand or swing to gain momentum for the next repetition.

For whom is the exercise suitable?

With little or no weight, the exercise can also be done by beginners. Make sure you perform the exercise cleanly, even with a heavier weight!

What do you have to pay attention to?

The explosiveness of the execution is important. All the energy comes from the legs and the hip extension.


Double Kettlebell Snatch
Instead of one kettlebell you hold one kettlebell in each hand. The snatch is now performed on both sides.

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